The town of Phil Sheridan, Kansas, is long gone. Its life was short and eventful, its inhabitants the fodder of dime novels. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of freight moved through the temporary town--wool from Santa Fe, flour from Trinidad, dry goods from the East. And the buffalo hunters!!! Hides were literally moving the manufacturing machines in the northeast and meat was feeding the railroad workers.
Mike Boss, artist from Hill City, KS, has painted many scenes from the pages of history books. Above is his depiction of one of those hunters at Sheridan.
At the Fort Wallace Museum, we have established a research committee that is compiling the information we have on Sheridan and searching out other sources. Our Capt. Myles Keogh Research Library will be the repository for these materials and we will find ways to share the results--a booklet, for example.
If you have maps, letters, manuscripts that would offer more details on this short-lived but incredibly interesting town, please share with us.